Kyle and I are asking some interesting questions in this blog.
Primarily, how can we incorporate a love for Christ as bridegroom and think of
ourselves as the bride vis-à-vis Church? Furthermore, can we make the realization of
those two concepts into a lifestyle that expresses Christ’s love for the world?
In essence, how can we be Christ-like Christians?
I don’t claim to have many answers for how this should work, but I do have some stories. I come from a large family, well large by Western standards. I have six siblings, ranging in age from 13 to 25. My house is almost always packed full of people, each of us with our own agendas and schedules. My mom is always rushing around making sure everything is running smoothly, that everyone is clothed and fed, that everyone is well and successful. It can be overwhelming at times, but she gives a lot and oftentimes it is under-appreciated. My brother, Jonathan, is the same way—out of all my siblings he’s the most active in helping around the house and is just an all-round servant.
I’m not like my mother or my brother. I’m admittedly a more arrogant and selfish individual. Yet, I talk a big game about my Christianity and my commitment to service. And, outside my house, I believe I do a reasonable job of this. Inside my house, I know I often fail. Whether it be failing to be patient with my brother when helping him with his homework or silently avoiding chores, I can be the worst Christian to those closest to me.
And from what I hear, that isn’t all that uncommon.
So, today, I want to step back from our grand service-oriented mission and our grand dream of tackling our issues with lust and just think about how we can love our families more fully. Service and purity are great, but there is much to be said for being a good son and brother, and, perhaps someday, a good father and husband. Now I cannot tackle the latter two right now, but I sure can try to make less of a mess of the former two.
Christ help us all. Indeed, Christ helps us all.
In essence, how can we be Christ-like Christians?
I don’t claim to have many answers for how this should work, but I do have some stories. I come from a large family, well large by Western standards. I have six siblings, ranging in age from 13 to 25. My house is almost always packed full of people, each of us with our own agendas and schedules. My mom is always rushing around making sure everything is running smoothly, that everyone is clothed and fed, that everyone is well and successful. It can be overwhelming at times, but she gives a lot and oftentimes it is under-appreciated. My brother, Jonathan, is the same way—out of all my siblings he’s the most active in helping around the house and is just an all-round servant.
I’m not like my mother or my brother. I’m admittedly a more arrogant and selfish individual. Yet, I talk a big game about my Christianity and my commitment to service. And, outside my house, I believe I do a reasonable job of this. Inside my house, I know I often fail. Whether it be failing to be patient with my brother when helping him with his homework or silently avoiding chores, I can be the worst Christian to those closest to me.
And from what I hear, that isn’t all that uncommon.
So, today, I want to step back from our grand service-oriented mission and our grand dream of tackling our issues with lust and just think about how we can love our families more fully. Service and purity are great, but there is much to be said for being a good son and brother, and, perhaps someday, a good father and husband. Now I cannot tackle the latter two right now, but I sure can try to make less of a mess of the former two.
Christ help us all. Indeed, Christ helps us all.
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